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Thursday 20 May 2010

Henry Matisse

This image had the best narritive behind the piece it was of the character Icarus regaurding Greek Mythology. Icarus was commonly know for recieving a pair of wings made by father daedlus in attemot to escape Crete using these wings, he was warned so many times no to fly tooo close to the sun or to low towards the Sea but did not listen he flew too close to the sun burning the wings off and then falling into his own death.
This is a piece created by Matisse which is very childish a 4 year old could accomplish, its just some shapes cutout and stuck down on the page. But to be fare this is one piece in which i feel the colours actaully go well
As I was speaking about his colour coordination, you can clearly see that the colour that have been chosen are absouloutely attractive, they make the painting intersesting and makes the aduience become very observant when coming across this but they are not well fitted together, they do not go well with any other colour in this piece at all, But i guess this is one aspect that he was most famous for his colour usage no matter how hideous the piece turn out

Henry Matisse 31st December 1869 - 3rd November 1954. French Artist known for his use of bright and vibrant colour but not know for his colour coordination

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