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Friday 30 April 2010

Kung Fu

Kung Fu is a Chinese martial art also refered to as Wushu by most Chinese. The Fighting style was originally Inherited from China. This fighting style is associated with common traits such as physical exercises involving animal mimcry or training methods inspired by chinese philosiphies religions and legends. The styles focus on qi (energy) manipulation are sometimes labelled internal while others concentrate on on improving muscle and cardio fitness are labelled external.

Muay Thai

Muay Thai is a hard martial art originated from Thailand. It is quite similar to Chinese styles of Kickboxing. The word muay originates from from Sanskrit which is a historical language used in Hinduism and Buddhism, the word thai comes form the word tai. Thai is referred to as the "Art Of Eight LImbs" because it makes use of punches, kicks, elbows and Knee strikes which are also introduced as eight points of contacting during a fight.

One of My Final Pieces?

Sunday 25 April 2010

David Haye

Again this is very poorly traced my trace made it seem Davi Haye's grandad was fighting because of the facial appearence

Floyd Mayweather

Mike Tyson

This trace of bruce Lee was my favourite trace with no doubt it would be very successful if it was a drawing class but this still needs work doing to it, theres choices of of background colours, could it be displayed in different ways, does it need colour? there are many thoughts that need to be considered.

Saturday 3 April 2010

Vincent began his life normal not knowing of his death which will accur at the age of 30. growing up it was time for vincents parents to enroll him into school but on one condition they wanted to have life insurance for the safety of their child knowing what any dameg to theri son would lead to.

A couple of years had gone by and vincents mother was pregnant again and was expecting another boy, Vincent's brother Antone.
Though far superior than Vincent in order of height,swimming ability and of course the non heart problem they would always compete in a competition to test who is really the chicken or not, the competition was to go into the oceana and see who could swim the furthest without having to turn around and head back the loser was obviously the chicken.

Friday 2 April 2010


Gattaca is about a less than normal man named Vincent Fortune who is born with a heart problem who's parents were told that he will die aged 30.
The film begins with Toenails and hairs hitting the ground which then went on to major cleaning methods which I began to think this guy was a neat freak or was really protective over other germs reaching him but as the story coninued it made much more sense.